
5 Benefits of Paying Land and Building Tax

Talking about Land and Building Tax, have you ever thought about the benefits of paying Land and Building Tax? Land Building tax has several important benefits and uses, including:


1. Land and Building Tax as development funding

Land and Building Tax collection results are an important source of regional income to finance various development programs in the area.

For example, infrastructure development such as roads, bridges, schools and health centers.

Apart from that, Land and Building Tax can also be used to finance other programs such as alleviating poverty, improving the quality of education, and preserving the environment.

2. The UN increases public awareness

Obedient Land and Building Tax payments can also increase public awareness of their rights and obligations as citizens.

By paying Land and Building Tax, the community has contributed to regional development and participated in creating a just and prosperous society.

3. Land and Building Tax as a reference for the value of land and buildings

The Sales Value of Tax Objects (SVTO), which is the basis for Land and Building Tax calculations, can be used as a reference for the value of land and buildings in the area.

This information is useful for the community, investors and the government in various ways, such as buying and selling land and buildings, development planning and determining policies related to regional spatial planning.

4. Land and Building Tax as a driver of tax compliance

Obedient Land and Building Tax payments can encourage community compliance in paying other taxes.

This is because the community will see that the taxes they pay have been used for the common good and have brought benefits to them.

5. Increases state income:

Even though Land and Building Tax is a local tax, overall Land and Building Tax also contributes to state income.

This is because Land and Building Tax is an important source of regional income to finance various national development programs.

Conclusion on the benefits of Land and Building Tax

Land and Building Tax has various important uses, both for the region and for the country.

Obedient Land and Building Tax payments are the obligation of every citizen and are a form of participation in nation building.

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Written by Vievia Kim

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