Indonesian Historical Events in May? The month of May in Indonesian history marks several important moments related to the struggle for independence, recognition of sovereignty, and national development.
Indonesian Historical Events in May
Apart from the dark incidents of widespread rioting and looting in various cities in Indonesia, it was triggered by the economic and political crisis (1998). The following are several Indonesian historical events that occurred in May:
May 1, West Irian Liberation Day (1963) : Signing of the New York Agreement between Indonesia and the Netherlands, marking the end of Dutch colonialism in West Irian and the incorporation of the region into Indonesia.
May 2, National Education Day : Celebrated to commemorate the birth of Ki Hajar Dewantara, the Indonesian education hero who founded the Taman Siswa National College.
May 7, Roem-Royen Agreement (1949): On May 7, an Agreement was signed between Indonesia and the Netherlands which was the first step towards recognizing Indonesia’s sovereignty
12 May, Trisakti Tragedy (1998) : The tragedy that occurred at Trisakti University, Jakarta, Indonesia on 12 May 1998. During a demonstration demanding the resignation of President Soeharto, Army soldiers shot at unarmed demonstrators.
May 17, Birthday of the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia : On May 17 1973, the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia was inaugurated as a center for information and knowledge.
May 20, National Awakening Day (1908) : This is the founding day of the first youth organization in Indonesia which was founded by Soetomo and STOVIA students in Batavia.
Apart from the events above, there may still be important moments in Indonesian history that occurred in May. Please leave comments related to Indonesian historical events that occurred in May if they need to be added.
The month of May is a reminder of the struggles of heroes and important moments in the journey of the Indonesian nation.